
Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Nailing the wood - DIY woodworking India

Nailing the wood - DIY woodworking India

"Its not always how hard you can hit"

Have you observed that when you hammer a nail into a piece of wood, sometimes the nail gets bent? Its really annoying, isn't it?  There is a science behind it. It is not always how hard you can hit, but how efficiently you should hit.

There are different categories of nails available starting from very thin, fine ones to thicker ones. The metals used also differ among different types. Therefore, the hammering force and technique depends on types of nails too.

Secondly, what type of wood you are hammering the nail into? In general, hardwoods are more harder outside than inside. Therefore, we often have to hammer lightly till the nail goes some distance into the wood. Once it gets inside more than half way depth, you can hit hard.

Another technique is, when you see your nail gets bent most of the times, pre-drill a hole which is 3/4 thick as that of the nail and 1/2 the length. Once the hole is made, hammer your nail. You will notice the improvement.

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